Furniture as Art




This course is recommended for students grade 10 to 12 who have successfully completed Introduction to Building Trades, Wood 1, CAD/Draftomg, or an Introductory Art class. Students will explore furniture building as an art form.  Students will explore proportions, balance, color, texture, and other aspects that affect the visual appearance of a piece of furniture.  Students will design a piece of furniture using a “visual vocabulary” developed in class.  Students will learn to critique furniture design, and identify various design aspects.  Students will also learn to identify furniture styles from history, and how to gain inspiration through those designs.  Maximum credit is 30 units.



Design and build at least one piece of furniture.  Photos, websites, and catalogs can be used for inspiration and research, but purchased plans can not be used.  You will come up with your own design for the piece you choose.

Pass all safety tests on required machines with 100% accuracy.  Demonstrate safe practices at all times in the shop environment.  Horseplay, rough- housing, etc. is not a safe practice in the work environment, and will not be tolerated here.

Agree to contracted deadlines for the timely completion of your project.  

You will be responsible for the cost of the piece of furniture that you build.  Many factors determine the cost of a piece of furniture, so I cannot give an estimate.  If this is a problem, please let me know.  I have many people that need items built, and I will do what I can to accommodate you.







Design Work and Projects- This is 50% of your grade.  It is based on how well you express your ideas through the visual vocabulary developed in class.  

Participation- This is 30% of your grade.  It is based on how hard you try to complete the design work and project you design.

Digital Portfolio- this is 20% of your grade.  It is based on content showing your projects, sketches, favorite sites, and researching furniture styles and designers.


History of Furniture


Here is a list of links to examples of furniture styles.


The Ancient World


Foundations of Western Civilization


Early Christian Period


Gothic Period


The Renaissance

            Italian Renaissance


            European Renaissance


            English Renaissance


Baroque Period


18th Century


The 19th Century

            Directoire, Empire, and Federalist






            American Victorian


1890 to Present

            Art Nouveau

