Bill Wolfe- AVID Coordinator and Teacher

        Debra Popejoy- AVID Teacher

        Mike Cowan- AVID Teacher

        Tammy Sutherland- AVID Counselor

AVID Sophomores visited Cal Lutheran and Pepperdine Universities. Click links for photo galleries.

AVID at TUHS is an academic support program for students in the 50th-80th percentile. The goal of the program, simply put, is to turn students with potential and "individual determination" into Honors students who go on to take AP (Advanced Placement) classes during their junior and senior years. AVID teaches students a variety of college-level skills and strategies in writing, inquiry (questioning), collaboration, and reading (known as WICR). Specially-trained college students come into the AVID classroom twice a week to lead small-group tutorials using the Socratic method of questioning, rather than the traditional method of direct instruction (telling students the information and providing students with the answers). AVID turns students into independent, responsible learners and provides a college-going culture for students who are typically the first in their family to go to college.

       The AVID program is tailored to the needs of this diverse group of students, and it works for them because:

  • AVID accelerates underachieving students into more rigorous courses, instead of consigning them to dead-end remedial programs.
  • AVID offers the intensive support students need to succeed in rigorous courses.
  • AVID uses Socratic methods and study groups that specifically target the needs of under-achieving students.
  • AVID is a schoolwide initiative, not a school within a school.
  • AVID changes the belief system of an entire school by showing that low-income and minority students can achieve at the highest levels and go on to attend college.
  • The role of the teacher is redefined from lecturer to advocate and guide.
  • The role of counselor changes from gate-keeper to facilitator.
  • AVID creates site teams of administrators and educators from different content areas, encouraging communication and sharing among teachers, counselors, and principals.
  • All AVID strategies are based on research and tracking - the process by which some children are channeled into challenging courses and others are relegated to remedial ones - and peer influences in student achievement.

Helpful AVID Links.

   The following links include note-taking and other miscellaneous papers used by all AVID students throughout their years in the program.

AVID Online

UC Rankings

FAQ Sheet

AVID Binder Evaluation Form

Assignment Log

Cornell Notes

Parent Advisory Committee

Tutorial Request Form

Senior Leader Research Project note-taking worksheet

AVID T-Shirts

Proud Parent T-Shirt Order Form

Class of 2008


Page by
J. McCornack